วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cheating In Casino Gambling

Actual cheating in Casino gambling is prohibited. Of course, you couldn't expect Casino operators to just watch as cheating players walk away with their money. Still, let us explore the ways in which players have tried to cheat in Casinos. Specifically, let's focus on one type of casino gambling -- the roulette.

Roulette cheating is probably the most common and easiest in gambling. One of the most well-known roulette cheating methods is called 'past posting' and dates many years back. Past posting involves lightning-fast reflexes and proper timing. Dealers usually look down after spinning the wheel to see which will be the winning number. Someone who is attempting to pull a past posting move should have a quick eye and hand. He must use this opportunity to place his bet discreetly on the winning number. This cheat involves different variations. The cheater can switch bets, place bets, or remove his losing bet. The trick is best done when there is only one dealer or croupier manning the roulette. Dealers are aware of this cheat, so one who wishes to do it must be sharp and quick. Of course, the real trick is to avoid getting caught.

This second cheat is not really a cheat at all. Ball control just involves exploiting the croupier's skill for your own benefit. It is common knowledge that roulette results are influenced by the croupiers. Croupiers may deny this, but over the years, they have undoubtedly learned and developed muscle memory. This means that they know how much force to use in spinning to produce certain results. This enables the croupiers to manipulate and influence the game results. A shrewd player can use the croupier's skill to his advantage through observation. Before placing your bet, watch for a few games and study the croupier's technique. This should give you an idea what the result of the game will be. Place bets on the number you think the croupier favors. Be careful in using this technique because croupiers can ruin your casino gambling time. Observations show that croupier will randomly vary spinning techniques if they notice that someone wins games consecutively.

The use of electronic devices such as small computers or mobile phones in roulette is probably the most costly of all gambling cheats. This type of cheat requires a program and a device that can examine the spins and mechanical condition of roulette wheels and tables. The often-used argument in cases of electronic cheating is that the device are just used as a system for calculating advantages. But the technicality of law that prohibits computers in casinos makes this type of cheating illegal and answerable to the law. Physicists like Norman Packard attempted and succeeded in producing a program that is able to predict roulette outcomes. The development of the program is easy compared to hiding the computer or device successfully in the casino. To protect the interests of its primary source of income, Nevada passed a law that anyone possessing such devices in casino will be imprisoned for 10 years and pay a fine worth $10,000. Don't use this method if you still want your nights of casino gambling.

Now, I don't encourage you to do these things. To clarify my position, I am just exploring possibilities. But if you are desperate enough for luck during casino gambling, it is better for you and your dignity to follow through the second cheat or trick. If all else fails, try befriending the croupier. He might take pity on you and brief you on the ins and outs of casino gambling.

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